Industrial Workers
of the World
Oibrithe Tionsclaíocha an Domhain Éireann

Support & Advice
Write: Industrial Workers of the World
P.O. Box 346, Derry, BT48 4FZ, Ireland
Email: ireland@iww.org.uk
Organising for better conditions at work today & a better world tomorrow!
Fighting for effective mutual defence on the job as well as to negotiate and enforce collectively bargained contracts. We place action in all of its forms at the heart of our union.
One Big Union
We organise workers across all industries. Building the power to win better conditions at work with the combined strength and support of the entire workforce, not just your profession.
We are a democratic and volunteer-driven union so we — not union bosses — run things. Officers at your local branch are elected, not appointed from above.
Learn to organise
Our organiser training program helps give you the skills to start organising a union at your job. We encourage all our members to be union organisers, not just a select few.
Organising Experts
Our Organising Department will help you get started with organising at your job, and you can count on our support in legal disputes with your employer.
Join the IWW
You don't need to be already organising with the IWW at your job to join and help build our union.
Join today and connect to other workers in the IWW in your area's closest General Membership Branch. You aren't alone in the IWW!
Support workplace organizing campaigns
Be supported by other workers
Be part of your local IWW community
Meet and learn from other workers
Participate in union democracy
Access other resources